Friday, October 28, 2011

The garden path less traveled

One of the many things about Silent Hill that fascinates me to no end, is how the games use history as a tool to weave their stories together. The past deeds of the game's characters, the past that is represented by the history of the town--these things bring a more complete sense of place and horror to the player, as the town slowly reveals itself to the player.

History as a recurring theme in the game, is something which we can relate to in real life as well. And, every time a player stumbles across the history of real life horror, we have those "Silent Hill in the real world moments."

Neatorama brought us a recent link to the always fascinating Atlas Obscura, website, with a link to an article on some of the amazing gardens that can be found in the real world, including the Alnwick Poison Garden, which features plants that can kill you. That such gardens were actually more common, and were destinations to visit, I find endlessly fascinating. They reflect man's struggle with how he faces his own mortality in a world that is not necessarily interested in keeping him alive. Click on over for photos of amazing gardens around the world, and to read about the history of death by vegetation.


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